Getting Started

We will be using ES2015 in the code samples in the guide.

The Events sdk should be used to communicate with Voicenter servers in order to receive real time data via sockets. Underneath, the events sdk uses to send and receive events.


Assuming you've imported the sdk either via webpack or browser script

Via webpack

import EventsSDK from 'voicenter-events-sdk'

Via script tag

<script src=""></script>

You can initialize it and use it to send and receive events to and from our servers.

  1. Initialize the constructor with a monitorCode
import EventsSDK from 'voicenter-events-sdk'
let sdk = new EventsSDK({
    token: this.monitorCode,
    // other options here

Alternatively when loaded directly via CDN

let sdk = new window.VoicenterEventsSDK({
    token: this.monitorCode,
    // other options here
  1. Call the init method to initialize the server connections
sdk.init().then(() => {}) //sdk is initialized after promise is fulfilled

This step is important as we have an algorithm that retrieves multiple servers and has a failover mechanism behind it. Skipping this step, will throw error(s) in the subsequent steps

  1. Use the public methods to send and receive events

Subscribe to all events

sdk.on('*', data => {
  // handle data here. Data format -> {name: 'event name', data: {}}

Subscribe to specific events

sdk.on('ExtensionEvent', data => {
  // handle ExtensionEvent here

Emit events

sdk.emit('event name', { key: 'value' });

Pass vuex store

Passing a vuex store will automatically register a vuex module and save extensions in it. This is useful if you use vuex and don't want to handle all the extension events yourself but rather use the sdk vuex module. Open Vue Devtools and see the sdkExtensions vuex module and its state/getters.


The SDK constructor accepts multiple options when initializing which can be used to configure/tweak the sdk behavior.

Option Type Default Description
token String null Monitor code token to use for login
user string Can be used to login with "user" or "account" login type
password string Used for login with "user" or "account" login type. Must be used together with user property
code string Code to be used for login with "code" type. Should be used with "organizationCode" code
organizationCode string Organization code to be used for login with "code" type. Should be used with "organizationCode" code
debug Boolean false When set to true, it will print debug information to console
reconnectionDelay Number 10000 First reconnection delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds and increases with each retry (retryCount * reconnectionDelay)
timeout Number 10000 Login timeout. Will throw an error if no event is sent back based on the emitted login event
protocol String https Protocol to use when connecting via sockets with the server
keepAliveTimeout Number 60000 Timeout after which a keep alive event is sent
idleInterval Number 60000 * 5 Interval after which resync event is sent
transports Array ['websocket'] Available transports. It's desired to leave this setting as it is.
upgrade Boolean false Available transports. It's desired to leave this setting as it is.
serverType Number null Optional parameter to be passed to api call that retrieves available servers. Can be 1 or 2. 2 should be used for chrome extension
url string Url from which to get monitor urls
servers Array contains 5 default servers Contains a list of real time servers with priorities and versions. Please check src/config.js file to see the exact format
serverFetchStrategy string determines the strategy how monitor servers are initiated. Can be remote (server urls are retrieved from a remote url) or static where server urls are specified directly through config. In case remote call fails, it will fallback to the default list of servers or the ones passed through config
store object Vuex store to use in order to register an extensions module. This should simplify the end usage of the sdk
extensionsModuleName string Vuex store extension module name. Defaults to sdkExtensions
queuesModuleName string Vuex store queue module name. Defaults to sdkQueues

Servers array format

const servers = [{
  'URLID': 59,
  'Priority': 5,
  'Version': 2,
  'Domain': ''

Other Methods

Set token

Sets new token to be used. This also triggers a disconnect and reconnect with new token

sdk.setToken('some new token here')


Emits resync event to resync data


Set monitor url

Sets new monitor url. This will trigger an http call to get the socket servers based on the monitor url. Please not that providing an invalid url, will try to revert to the old values. In case that fails, you will have to init the sdk again.


Login with user

Log in based on user credentials

async function initSdk() {
    let sdk = new EventsSDK({
        user: 'my user',
        password: 'my password',
        // other options here
    await sdk.init()
    await sdk.login('user')

Login with account

Log in based on user account credentials

async function initSdk() {
    let sdk = new EventsSDK({
        user: 'my user',
        password: 'my password',
        // other options here
    await sdk.init()
    await sdk.login('account')

Login with code

Log in based on code and organization code

async function initSdk() {
    let sdk = new EventsSDK({
        code: 'my code',
        organizationCode: 'my organization code',
        // other options here
    await sdk.init()
    await sdk.login('code')


Forcefully disconnects from the socket. This should be handled by the sdk most of the times.
